We are committed to creating inclusive, safe, sustainable and empowering workplaces where employees can reach their potential. We closely collaborate with employees, partners, and stakeholders for shared value creation. Our community initiatives are designed to enable community members to live a better and fulfilling life.
Our people matter to us. We empower them and they empower the business. We are always learning, and this process helps our teams to deliver better, faster and accelerate their professional development. Our values underpin our commitment to be an equal opportunity employer that ensures respect, dignity, fairness and human rights for all our members.
ACC is committed to respecting and promoting human rights in our operations and in the communities where we work. Our Commitment towards respecting Human Rights is enshrined in our Business Code of Conduct which incorporates all aspects of Human rights. Our approach ensures systematic identification, prevention, mitigation, monitoring and remediation of potential or actual risks and impact to people.
We aim to build more capable, inclusive and resilient communities through a shared approach that takes into cognisance the specific needs of each community. ACC TRUST is the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) arm of ACC, committed to fuelling the development of communities around ACC’s business presence. Its initiatives are focused on our key impact areas—DISHA (Sustainable Livelihood), VIDYA UTKARSH (Quality Education) and WASH (Water, Sanitation, Health & Hygiene).
At ACC, we seek to engage in long-term relationships with the suppliers and our approach to sustainable development also includes how we work with our Suppliers. We integrate sustainable development into our procurement strategy where we aim to identify, prevent and manage risks pertaining to Health and Safety , social responsibility and environment in our supply chain. We have engaged Avetta, a leading global consultant in Supplier Qualification. As a result, it has qualified contractors on various counts related to sustainable procurement such as Health and Safety , Labour, Environment, Bribery and Corruption. All our Suppliers follow the Supplier's Code of Conduct.