Optimization and Sustainability Efforts in Supply Chain

Our logistics strategy is based on four pillars, which include distribution safety, cost efficiency, use of technology and environmental sustainability. We engage with suppliers, governments, industry bodies, businesses and other partners to collaborate and find new ways to innovate and create positive change. At ACC, we aspire to create a supply chain mechanism, which is agile, cost competitive and sustainable, leading to customer delight. Our logistics team drives various initiatives at each node to ensure that the distribution network is constantly evolving across services, cost and sustainability

  • Focused on digitalization through the ‘Plants of tomorrow’ initiative. We implemented Technical Information Systems (TIS) that record minute-by-minute data from all key assets at the plants Performance And Collaboration Tool (PACT), a cross platform dashboard/decision support system to view critical parameters from TIS data, collaborate and take actions on alerts, has also been implemented at all plants. EDGE AI has been implemented in some of our plants as an advanced analytics platform to facilitate integration of all Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) initiatives. This has helped improve operations, generating automatic alerts and has laid the foundation for implementing Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) use cases. We also piloted the use of AI/ML into predicting cement strength, fineness and predictive maintenance of critical equipment like Vertical Roller Mill (VRM)
  • Launched an integrated planning tool that enables, sales & operation planning and network optimization to improve customer service, cost optimization and organizational profitability
  • The extensive use of Transport Analytics Center (TAC) has helped in real-time information dissemination and analytics to improve distribution safety, cost optimization and operational efficiencies
  • Enhanced the ‘Dealer Connect App’ with additional functionalities like real-time tracking of deliveries, faster ordering and improved and timely communication
  • Improved the functionalities of ‘Concrete Club app’, a singular social platform for construction professionals such as architects and engineers to connect, interact and share knowledge with each other, with dashboards for regional teams to run loyalty programmes
  • Utilized the digital platforms to share invites to knowledge series initiative, where experts from construction and building industry shared their learnings and expertise with these influencer segments through webinars
  • Developed digital kit comprising e-visiting cards, e-catalogues and posts to promote app adoption for the influencers and internal stakeholders
  • Undertook continual measures to build a better fuel mix by maximizing the use of cheaper fuel through judicious procurement of coal from the market through e-auctions and imports; higher consumption of alternative fuels and improvement in competencies and efficiencies at plants

Customer Care Centre number - 18001033444
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